High Profile Venues

No venue is too big or unattainable
Use any and all contacts to get in the door.
Be relentless.
Be passionate about the children, the Heart Gallery mission and enroll others in the passion.
Help the venues see the benefit of adopting the Heart Gallery project.

Philadelphia International Airport

Many cities have art installations in their airports.
Sell Heart Gallery as a humanitarian project that will benefit them.
Philadelphia Airport has “adopted” the project as their own…their press release shows them taking ownership of the project – announcing themselves as partners with Philadelphia DHS and Heart Gallery Philadelphia.

From Philadelphia Airport Press Release

“A collaborative effort of Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services, the Heart Gallery of Philadelphia and the Airport, the exhibit displays portraits of 13 foster children hoping for adoption.”

“For Aviation Director Charles Isdell, the humanitarian aspect of this project sets it apart from most of the other works featured in the Airport’s eight-year-old Exhibitions Program.”

“This is a chance to give something back to the community and make a difference in children’s lives,” said Isdell . “There is no more worthwhile pursuit.“

Please Touch Museum

Large children’s museum.
Big destination in Center City Philadelphia for local families as well as tourists.
Took relentless calling on the part of our venue person … but after first year, they called us to have the exhibit again.
Want it every year for the month of November to commemorate National Adoption Month.
They present the photographic project as their community outreach.

Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts

The International Children’s Festival is held here for one week every spring. We are welcomed here for this event in a lobby outside of one of the theatres.

University of the Arts

This was a grand space with great name recognition. Our event was proclaimed in lights on the PECO tower centrally located at a prime entrance to the city. Impressive to show in this space, it is a difficult venue to get into and is generally booked three years in advance.

University of the Arts

Pros: Showing in this space is prestigious to put on your resume. Gives the project status. This was a grand space with great name recognition. Our event was proclaimed in lights on the PECO tower centrally located at a prime entrance to the city.
Cons: Low turnout, possibly due to expensive parking made us question its success; we cannot say any connections were made here. Ton of work setting up and breaking down in one day!

Philadelphia City Hall

Art in City Hall Program. Similar to the airport, we were able to take advantage of the art program here.
We had a successful press conference & opening event here and it hung for 6 weeks
Seen by city council members, city employees and visitors to City Hall.

Free Library of Philadelphia

Secured through our DHS board member, Donna Wyche, as was City Hall.
Great space and center city location.
High traffic
Afforded us a prestigious venue for a successful press conference

Mega Church

Joined with a “Mega” church … over 1500 families to become part of the culmination of their 6 week workshop on family. We were contacted by a church member who is part of a program called FAM..”Families Adopting as Ministry”.

Borders Books & Music

Very popular chain bookseller.
They generally don’t do art exhibits other than their own branding posters
Our venue person was successful in persuading the management of this store to let us show there.


High profile venues require relentless pursuit but afford Heart Gallery the opportunity to be seen as an important project.
Use contacts. Often it’s “who you know” that gets you in the door.
Be passionate about the children, the Heart Gallery mission and enroll others in the passion.
Help the venues see the benefit of adopting the Heart Gallery project as community outreach.

Volunteer as
a photographer

You are a photographer and you
want to volunteer?


If you are unable to bring a child into your home, please help us find those who can with a generous donation to Heart Gallery of America Inc. Your contribution is tax deductible. Any amount $1.00 or more is appreciated.