Success Stories - Partners

Thank You For Your Assistance - From Heart Gallery of Northeast Louisiana

Jorianne and Jaleesa have found an adoptive home!

I am the contact for the Heart Gallery of Northeast Louisiana,… Jorianne and Jaleesa have found an adoptive home, and it wouldn’t have happened so soon without your assistance in putting them on the national site. We received numerous interests in them strictly from your website. Thank you for your assistance with finding them a home…. Thank you again for all of your help and support.”

Christi Jones
Heart Gallery of Northeast Louisiana

Heart Gallery Photographer and Partner

Cathy Maier is a Heart Gallery photographer/partner and has many success stories. Austin pictured below has found his family!

When I began photographing Austin at the zoo in Albuquerque, NM he was quite shy. As he became more comfortable with the camera and with me, he became energetic, animated and relaxed. His sense of humor and kind heart emerged. His photograph was chosen for the National Heart Gallery Exhibit in Washington D.C. in 2005. This was deeply gratifying for me, especially knowing that others would see the photograph and be inspired by the incredible gift that The Heart Gallery has provided. Through the art of photography, the unique spirit of these children shines, engaging the hearts of prospective families.

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